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Do Dharma, do good work.

Interview with Justine Curtis, CEO, Inspired Adventures.

Having built and taught leadership development programs  for some of Australia’s leading charities I am an avid supporter of leaders in the fundraising sector. They inspire me with how they direct their mindset and skills to raise much needed funds for the causes they support. 

I first heard about  Justine Curtis, CEO of Inspired Adventures, through a mutual friend Martin Paul. Justine is from the North of...

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The happiest man in the world


Written by Nick Freedman, Founder of Retire on Purpose. 

Late in 2017 I realised a dream of mine. To fly with eagles. I have always had an affinity with the power and grace of the eagle, and for many years wanted to experience life at their altitude. I achieved my dream with the help of a wonderful Frenchman called Freddy Sutra. Freddy runs a paragliding business in the picturesque town of Luchon, nestled deep in the Pyrenees mountain ranges in France. And although I only spent...

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FREE Retirement 2.0 E-book

This essential 10 minute read is great for anyone who's thinking about retirement or has recently retired. Get your copy here.