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7 Principles of Retirement 2.0 

Retirement seriously needs an upgrade to match the times. Through our educational programs, we're teaching people how to plan, create and enjoy a holisitic retirement experience. It all begins with learning the 7 principles of Retirement 2.0 below.


1 - Look Under the Waves


As you approach the transition into retirement, it's vital to take care of your mental health so you enjoy a healthy and positive retirement experience. Ocean waves can teach us a lot about how the mind functions and influences our lives. Principle 1 helps you understand the impact of 80,000 hours of work on the neural pathways in your brain and how the end of work can affect your wellbeing. 


2 - Use Brakes Consciously


Life is a journey with various stages. As we travel along the road it's essential to observe what terrain we're on, and how we need to adapt our driving to match it. The transition from work into semi or full retirement, requires a specific kind of conscious driving, which Principle 2 explains in depth.         

3 - Understand your Dough


I often get asked if I am a financial advisor, and the answer is no. The education we provide fits hand in glove with the economic advice you'll receive from an experienced financial advisor. We are currently building a network of advisers who bring their expert advice together with My Game Plan to help you learn how to plan and enjoy life in a holistic way. If you need an advisor let us know. And if you have one, please share our film with them to see what they think.


Are you a financial advisor?

We are recruiting financial advisors to join our community of practice to share the Retirement 2.0 film with their clients. To find out more, click this button. 

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4 - Navigate Life Holistically


The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, once said 'the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.' And this simple wisdom helps us understand Principle 4. To enjoy life fully we must observe it as an interconnected web, with each part contributing to the wider holistic experience. All this begins with mindset. When you see your retirement as a holistic experience, with each part requiring attention, you learn how to make the most of this stage of life.             

5 - Build your Game Plan


We're big advocates of planning. Winston Churchill famously said, 'He who fails to plan, is planning to fail.' In principle 5 we ask 'how robust is your game plan?' as it's vital that it focuses on more than just finances. Throughout life, you'll navigate many transitions. Marriage, parenthood, career change, divorce, startups and of course retirement. Whichever one is next, My Game Plan helps you focus on and create the future you want to experience. 


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My Game Plan puts these principles in practice, so you get clarity of purpose, a robust game plan and peace of mind about your future. Learn online or join our next group to study with others. 


6 - Find New Purpose


You spend 2000 per year at work and when this all comes to an end many people feel a void. Purpose is your reason for existing, and it gives you a motivation to get out of bed each day. Without purpose, life can spiral downwards into a range of mental health challenges. Principle 6 invites you to reinvent your purpose in such a way that it creates a meaningful retirement experience. 

7 - Ride your Elephant


In our final principle, we go off in search of the famous elephant that never stops moving. He shares all about his life experiences and explains that there are only 3 kinds of people in world. Watch this final film to find out which one you are.

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About Nick Freedman


After 20 years building and teaching leadership development programs for global brands, Nick Freedman founded Retire on Purpose to help further our collective understanding about how to plan and enjoy the retirement years. If you'd like to find out more about My Game Plan, book in a call with Nick today.  

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