We help people learn how to live purposefully in retirement.
This page showcases our work and media articles. If you work in media and want to help shift the narrative about how we collectively view, plan and navigate retirement, please book in a call with Nick as we need your help. We have many tools to help spread the message.
Keynote talks & Radio shows.
Let's talk.
I'm Nick Freedman, CEO of Retire on Purpose. I am NOT a Financial Adviser. I focus on the 'non-financial stuff', by teaching a learning program called My Game Plan which helps pre and post retirees create a holistic game plan for their future.
Book in meeting here or call me now on (02) 8599 9376.
Would you like our Retirement 2.0 film on your website?
The first stage in creating large scale change is to raise awareness of the need for a new narrative. That's why we made this short film. When we partner with your organisation, we allow you to showcase this film on your website.
Our 2 Programs & Testimonials
We teach 2 programs online, via zoom and in person. Here's some information about them, plus 3 client testimonials.
We support financial advisers.

Retirement 2.0 Adviser Tools is an accredited training program (by AIOFP) that teaches financial advisers how to use this body of work with their clients. This film is part of the program and explains how we are working with the financial advice sector to shift retirement planning to include holistic thinking & tools.