Founder, Purpose & Strategy.
Who's Nick Freedman?
Retire on Purpose is not about me. It's a business I founded as I saw a genuine need to help a group of people (retirees) that was not being addressed very well in society. As we live in a world that's all about people and stories, this page briefly tells you our story so far.
The first thing to say, is I am NOT a financial adviser. You won't find an AFSL license number anywhere on this website as I don't go near the numbers. It's not my thing. The work we do is about everything else. Put simply, we help people work out their 'non finances'. You can watch my TEDx talk and others at the base of this webpage.
10,000 lives (and counting).
I started my career in advertising as a producer. This 12 year stretch was fun and it cut my teeth in a tough industry full of smart creatives, tight deadlines and big egos. I then had a pivot in 2003, into high performance coaching and leadership development. I set up a business which enabled me to help 1000s to improve their lives, evolve into strong leaders and build great cultures. I've used a wide range of profiling tools, learning concepts and over 20 years, have built and taught over 100 different learning programs. There are many headline achievements and my favourite one is the number of people I've helped ... over 10,000.

Our Purpose is 'Non-Financial'.
The retirement planning world has been built around a single focus. Wealth, Money, Cash, Dough, Super, Dollars, Pounds, Euros ... You get the picture. All around the world you'll find smart people to help grow your wealth so you can retire with money to live on. These people are awesome. They do a great job, but it's not the full story.
We exist to help retirees plan and enjoy the other areas of life.

There is a very simple question we ask....
Do you know anyone who came to the end of their career and moved into retirement and experienced loneliness, boredom, lack of drive, loss of identity, depression or even suicide? Most people we ask say yes.
What these people realise is that it takes more than money to enjoy a positive retirement experience. This leads to the next question...
What are we doing to educate people about the need to develop a holistic game plan, that includes all the non financials too?
Until now... very little. We exist to change this.
I've been a Trusted Adviser for small business through to global brands for over 20 years. Here's a few that trust me.

Strategy 1: Raise awareness and inspire positive change.
Globally we have an ageing population. Every second, two people turn 60 so we have lots of work to do. The first step in any change initiative is to raise awareness. Most people don't know what they don't know, so they step into retirement ill prepared. Our short film raises people's awareness. Here's the trailer.
Strategy 2: Provide a new type of retirement education.
I designed a learning program in 2019 to help people transition into retirement, called My Game Plan. It is built on holistic thinking and helps people go beyond the current singular focus of wealth creation. It's empowering people all over the world to plan retirement differently.
Strategy 3: Partner with Councils & Community Sector.
Councils and Community Organisations all around Australia have positive ageing strategies in place to support our older residents. We have a range of tools and resources which can amplify this approach. This short film explains more. As our team grows, we will be working to spread this nationally. We are seeking collaborative partnership opportunities.
I would love to talk to you!
Either call me on +612 8599 9376 or use the form to book a time.
Strategy 4: Build partnerships with HR / L&D Leaders.
People and Culture leaders are aware that the final stages of careers present challenges for companies and employees. Our learning programs help to address these issues.
Strategy 6: Financial Adviser and Accountant Partnerships.
We empower financial advisers and accountants to easily deliver this extra non financial value to your clients. The tools act like vitamins as they supplement your advice. There are many benefits for your clients and practice.
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